World Migration on the Map
Let's start the journey to revealing the truth about migration with a more global approach by looking at the world migration on the map! Migration Flows refer to the number of migrants entering or leaving a given country during a given period of time. The flow map below has been built using data aggregated over a 5-year intervals. The timeline below identifies the starting year of those 5-year intervals (i.e. selecting year 1990 will visualize the data corresponding to the 1990-1995 period). It is now time to discover the various functionalities of the migration map that we offer.
On the top right of the map, you can choose the map type as you wish. For Migration Flows map type you are able to filter what data to be shown on the map via the panel above the map - you can change the country, select gender and flow type, toggle flow data normalization (e.g. divide migration flow number by the selected country's population), and slide over different time periods. Clicking on a country on the map allows for a more interactive way of making a selection. When any of the variables is changed, the map is re-colored to reflect the comparative migration flow numbers for the given set of filter selections. Furthermore, hovering over a country provides information about its population and relative numbers of migration inflow/outflow for the given gender and year selected. The other two map types available display the Development Level and Income Level, respectively, of each country. Underneath the map is located a color legend for each of the selected map types, giving a clear mapping between the data visualized and the coloring of the map.